August 25, 2016

Homeschool Curriculum Planning and FREE Curriculum Planning Worksheet

I have a plan to start back to FULL school and our new official school year in two weeks--the first full week of September. It's been so busy, I haven't even really had a chance to "officially" determine what each boy will be doing. They are still wishful thoughts in my mind. As I was looking at my curriculum filled bookshelf, I wondered if I needed to do up a form that would help me in my planning. Before lessons planning EVER happens. Because I mean...I need to know WHAT I am using before determining how I'm going to use it.
Curriculum Planning Worksheets Printable

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There are a lot of free printables and planners to help you with the lesson planning stage of homeschooling--I even created a weekly lesson planning printable recently. What there doesn't seem to be as much of, are documents for curriculum planning. You know...the "Oh I think I want to use Apologia Astronomy, but I might use Science Shepherd instead." And then you go and check out the cost and the best place to get it--but don't have a nice handy form to record all of that. So it gets "filed" in your memory, never to be seen again. Bwahahahaha.

Been there. Done that.

I have a challenge with this and I only have TWO students. I can't being to imagine trying to keep track of what curriculum is going to be for whom with larger families! 

There are planners that include pages for this kind of thing. The Hey Mama! Schoolhouse Planner and the Apologia Ultimate Homeschool Planner have them in some form or another. But sometimes you just want a quick sheet to grab and record that stuff on, right? And some planners just don't give you enough room to write your notes!

Fear not! I have designed some simple forms to help us all! I mean, if I use it for me, why shouldn't I share it with everyone?!

Curriculum Planning Worksheets

I have asked fellow homeschoolers about what would work for them, and have designed THREE different versions, so hopefully, one of them will work for you!

There is the detailed version that lays out different parts within a subject. I included all the main subjects needing to be covered and a page for Fine Arts and Electives:
Curriculum Planning Worksheets Printable with Subjects
This one lets you record up to 12 different curriculum/subjects on one page:
Curriculum Planning Worksheet Blank with 12 Rows
Lastly, this one (my favorite) puts 5 rows on a page with extra room for writing:
Curriculum Planning Worksheet Blank with Fat Five rows

And guess what--you can snag them for FREE of course! 
(5 pages)

(2 pages)
I hope that these will help you get through the preliminary planning stages so that once you have all your curriculum picked, you can happily move to the Lesson Planning stage! And remember, I've got a great post all about 5 Tips for Planning Your Homeschool Routine Lesson Planning with a FREE Lesson Planning Printable!

Happy Planning! I will be sharing my own plan for this coming school year...once I get it actually figured out! LOL!

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