August 13, 2017

Introducing the 5 Days of Back to School Blog Hop!

I am so excited to announce that this week is going to be another fabulous blog hop series! Every day this week, members of the Homeschool Review Crew are all going to blogging on a common theme--allowing you a PLETHORA of resources to check out! And this year, our theme is one which EVERY homeschooling family can relate to--Back to School! Wait a minute...back to school? But we are homeschoolers! Yes we are, but just like any other family, we still start new school years and this blog hop we are going to talk about things relevant to gearing back up to start a new year of school!

Day 1: Curriculum for the 2017-2018 year
I have (finally) decided on what curriculum we will be using for 2nd and 6th grade this year. I will kick off the blog hop sharing what our year is going to include!

Day 2: School Supplies
Just like any classroom, homeschoolers do need some school supplies for their year. I will be sharing some of my must-have items for my own classroom. Will any of yours be on the list?

Day 3: Planning/Record Keeping
I have tried MANY different methods over the last 6 years. I will share my favorites (print and digital) as well as a video I recently made giving you a closeup look at what I will be using this year. I also will have some printables that you can snag to assist in your own record keeping.

Day 4: Outside the Home
This one threw me for a second...then I decided that I would share some ways that we homeschoolers take school--OUT of the home. Guess what? We don't actually live under a rock every day! In fact, you will see that we may be even busier than you think!

Day 5: Dear Homeschool Mom
I am going to end the week with a heart to heart from one homeschooling parent to another. Call it a pep talk for you and me about the upcoming year and our history with homeschooling so far.

So there you have it! The 5 Days of Back to School blog hop as it will look like on my blog. I hope you will visit many of the other bloggers over the week--I will try to share some of my favorites or ones that I think you might be interested in as the week goes on. These blog hops are always a highlight for me. I get just as much enjoyment out of reading my fellow bloggers blogs as I hope you do mine!

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