August 11, 2017

A Place To Belong {Five Minute Friday}

A Place to Belong {Five Minute Friday}It is interesting to me that the scripture that I wrote down today ended up including the word for this week's Five Minute Friday. Coincidence? Maybe. But I call it inspiration. The word for this week is PLACE. When I think of place, I often think of the phrase, A Place to Belong. There are SOOO many people who eagerly long for a place to belong. Many are in situations in this life
that prevent them from having truly meaningful relationships or forever homes. This leaves far too many--young and old--left "out in the cold". They wonder if they will ever have a home. Or someone who truly loves them unconditionally. The good news is that the answer is YES! There is one family that truly offers a forever home and a deeply meaningful's the Family of God! Not only is God desiring a family that we can be a part of, but one day--there will be a FOREVER HOME for His family. A home without tears. Without hate. Without fear of being alone. God sent His beloved son Jesus to earth in order to make this dream one day be a reality. Some of His final words to the disciples included this promise...
A Place to Belong {Five Minute Friday}

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” ~John 14:1-4

There is an absolutely beautiful promise of a place to belong for all mankind. If only they would trust in what He says. And follow the way He set before us. I don't know about you, but I cannot WAIT until that day comes!
place to land
It's been quite a week. I have had a family down with a HORRIBLE head cold. It's like the flu, but no fever or body aches. But it slams you with sinus pressure, headaches, drainage sore throats, endless snot, and a "going to last forever" cough. I am so thankful that thus far I myself have been spared and the family is finally on the mend. Just one of those things that you have to let run its course. But it's the weekend and God's Sabbath tomorrow. Two wonderful things to look forward to! Have a most blessed Friday and weekend!

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