August 9, 2017

Alone with God Bible Study for Kids {Product Review}

I recently discovered that my oldest son (age 11) declared that he knew the Old Testament much better than the New Testament. This came about while playing a game of Bible Trivia. After thinking about it, I realized that most of our Bible curriculum has had an Old Testament focus. He does know about the life of Christ very well, but when it comes to the Apostles and the events surrounding the start of the church, he wasn't strong. I had been thinking about how to go about doing a study into the life of the Apostles, but didn't have a plan. Enter I Can Study Acts Alone With God Bible Study (52 week study) from Greek 'n' Stuff, a product that came up for review several weeks ago. After discovering that this was a bible study program for late elementary geared to studying the book of Acts in detail, I hoped it would be exactly what I needed to strengthen my son's knowledge in the area he was lacking.

About Alone with God Bible Study

Greek 'n' Stuff offers a series of independent bible study resources for children called the Alone with God Bible Study series. In each of these books, a workbook helps your child read a book in the Bible over a set length of weeks. The workbook consists of 6 lessons each week. Every lesson
begins with prayer and a memory verse. Then the child reads the assigned bible passage and answers questions relating to these passages. Every so many days there is an extra "Think and Pray About It" note with information to take the lessons and questions for the week further. All the questions relating to the reading comes strictly from the Bible. This allows your child to work through the study...alone! This in turn teaches them how they can study from God's Word all on their own and learn it in bite sized pieces.

There are currently four Bible study workbooks available (with a KJV or a NIV version option):
★I Can Study Jonah & Ruth Alone With God Bible Study (13 week study)
★I Can Study Esther Alone With God Bible Study (13 week study)
★I Can Study I Samuel Alone With God Bible Study (39 week study)
★I Can Study Acts Alone With God Bible Study (52 week study)

Workbooks are:
●Spiral bound
●Easy to Read
●For grades Late Elementary +
●Available in either KJV or NIV

We received the I Can Study Acts Alone With God Bible Study (52 week study) in KJV for my 11 year old to use independently.

What Did We Think About the Product?

I cannot say enough about this product. It is so easy to use and straight forward! Unlike many bible study products for kids, it doesn't add a narrative! It simply asks questions straight from the reading so your child will always have the answer and the answer comes FROM THE BIBLE! I really appreciate that the Acts study we reviewed is a YEAR LONG study. It's a great way to take the amazing book of Acts and break it into smaller understandable pieces! The extra tidbits of information that are included in the workbook are very relative to the readings and have been great for encouraging critical thinking about the information read.

When we started the bible study workbook, I worked through the first couple days with him. Once he saw that it was literally RIGHT FROM THE BIBLE, he shooed me away confident he could do it himself, and he has definitely been able to. Every now and then, he isn't quite sure on his answers, so he will call me over to check. He definitely has been learning from the study and he shares with me his thoughts on it. It's open and go--just need the workbook, your bible (or Bible on an app) and a pencil!

He told me that he likes that it is short and simple, and that it just requires him to read from the bible a few verses each day. He said with the way that the workbook is laid out he's sure he will be able to fill in some of the gaps that he has in his knowledge about the Apostles and the early church! Woohoo!

I absolutely recommend this product. We are using a NKJV Bible with the KJV workbook, because there really is little difference and the questions are still easy to figure out regardless which of those versions he reads. So don't think you have to have a KJV bible to use the KJV workbook! My son is 11 1/2 (6th grade) and the questions are clear enough for him to understand. I think that the age level is correct--late elementary. I think a high schooler could easily use this workbook as a stepping stone for teaching independent bible study. And younger children could use it as a group workbook!

I am confident that when he is done, he is going to have a good beginner's understanding of the history of events that are documented in Acts--building him a great foundation in his biblical understanding. Honestly, I think even an adult would find the workbook useful, although an adult could probably cut the time down--it would be easy to do a full week in just a couple days. There were a few times my son would knock out a week in 2 days--he did M-W together and then TH-Sa together. And it still didn't take him very long. When we have finished this workbook, I am hoping that the company will have another of the New Testament books available for study---but if not, I will go for the I Can Study Jonah & Ruth Alone With God Bible Study (13 week study) next!

Here are some photos from one of the early weeks we completed:

Simple questions with the scripture referenced for easy discovery
Excellent notes of wisdom tucked in

Want to Know More About Greek 'n' Stuff?

We have been reviewing the  I Can Study Acts Alone With God Bible Study (52 week study) from Greek 'n' Stuff over the last few weeks. You have seen how much we have enjoyed this review. Make sure you visit the rest of the crew members to see their thoughts on this and the other three Along With God Bible Study workbooks--and don't forget to check out some of the other products we reviewed from Greek 'n' Stuff like the Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! - Level 2 and Level 3 Set!
Teach Me Some Greek {Greek 'n' Stuff Reviews}

I am so happy that this product ended up being a perfect fit for our family! I just appreciate that it relies purely on what the Bible says for the study and doesn't add any narrative besides just some cultural extras. I like that my son can easily do it on his own, yet it is deep enough that we can have some good discussions about what was learned. I hope that if you are looking for something to provide the same type of instruction to your own family, that you will consider the Alone with God Bible Study series from Greek 'n' Stuff!

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