February 16, 2018

I will Give You Rest

It was one of those days. 

The kind of day when you feel it boiling inside of you.

The bad attitude.

I felt it simmering. I don't know really where it came from. Probably an inconvenience of some kind aggravated me. And then *pop* just like that the bad attitude emerged. 
It is amazing how quickly it takes over. 
But sadly I am ashamed to say it did. The reasons for it were totally selfish. It boiled down to me needing to do something I didn't really want to do, but knew I needed to do it, and still didn't want to.

Do you have those days?

Would you believe that I actually argued with God about it?
Yes, there I was griping in a seemingly one sided conversation with God. Telling Him how I felt. And then answering myself as if He'd spoken to me. For He was you know. Through my thoughts and conscience and His holy spirit in me. I ended up angry at myself for even BEING in a bad attitude. Because I KNEW that I KNEW better. 

And then I couldn't keep it to myself. 
Have you ever noticed bad attitudes like company?
Yes, sadly I shared my bad attitude with my husband. Sigh.

And as we know, sharing bad attitudes don't have exactly positive results. 

He even said "What has you in a bad attitude?"
And I said "I know why I am having a bad attitude, and I know I am having it and I know it is wrong. So I'm sorry and I am working on getting it under control."

So I went and grabbed my favorite emotionally balancing essential oil blend and oiled up. And then I went to God again. This time I gave it all. No arguing. Simply admitting that I needed help. And asking for Him to help me with this burden I'd placed on myself.

And know what happened?

He gave me rest.

I felt the attitude leaving. I felt the calming of my mind. I felt the calming of my heart. I felt the peace. And I cried in gratefulness.

I especially appreciated the freedom from my burden on this day because it is the LORD'S preparation day for His Holy Sabbath. A day of rest. And I did NOT want to go into this special time filled with an unsettled spirit. I needed rest to be able to appreciate the day of rest. I am so incredibly grateful for the weekly Sabbath and the freedom it brings. The peace it brings. The rest it brings. I could not let Satan rob me of it. 

And so I did what Christ encourages us to do...

Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ~ Matthew 11:28

When you are weighed down emotionally--no matter WHAT it is, do you go to God and ask Him for rest? He freely gives it. He doesn't WANT us to be weighed down. He KNOWS what the feeling leads us to. The anger. The anxiety. And He desires us to feel peace. 

I hope that if you are being weighed down by something right now--no matter WHAT it is, that you will go to Your Heavenly Father. That you will ask for rest. That you will ask for His peace. No burden is too big or small. 

I Will Give You Rest Graphic @Farm Fresh Adventures

May you and yours have a most blessed weekend and to those who keep it, a most blessed Sabbath day. May God will you will with peace as you draw closer to Him every day. 

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