February 7, 2018

Upcoming Reviews for February/March: What are we checking out right now?

It's that time of year again...when my stint with the Homeschool Review Crew kicks into high gear and awesome new products start arriving at my house. Would you believe that my husband even bought us a new mailbox that is big enough to accommodate all my boxes? LOL. True Story! Yes, it's true. I am starting to get HaPpY MaIl each week! So let's take a moment to see what I have coming up for reviews that will be shared for the month of February and March 2018!

Upcoming Reviews for February

1. Bytes of Learning from UltraKey Online
This is one that I am especially tickled with. This is an online keyboarding/typing program. Everything is online, so you don't have to download any software! Although I requested this primarily for my 11 (almost 12) year old, it appears that my younger son (Age 7) is enthralled with the idea of learning how to type and asks to use the program. And if you have stayed up with me on Facebook (you follow me there, right?) you will have seen that I have been using it myself to strengthen my own skills! I look forward to sharing a full review with you the week of February 19th, 2018.

2. Wolf the Saxon from Heirloom Audio Productions
We have been blessed to have reviewed every single one of the Heirloom Audio Productions audiodramas that have been part of our Homeschool Review Crew--and we were given the latest audiodrama in the line up to listen to and review as well! Our review will go LIVE the week of February 19th, 2018

3. Drive Thru History Adventures: Biblical History~ The Gospels
A video based family bible study that takes us on location to the areas the events in the Bible took place? Yes please! We have been working through this 18 episode curriculum as a family and I am looking forward to sharing our review the week of February 27th, 2018

Some additional companies being reviewed in February by my fellow crew members include: Starfall Education Foundation


4. Magic Stix from The Pencil Grip, Co.
A 24 pack of markers that are non-toxic and won't dry out even if uncapped for 7 days? Um, yes please! My boys are enjoying using these over the course of our review. Review will go LIVE the week of March 5th, 2018

5. A la Carte Projects File Folder Games from Home School In the Woods
We just received our items to review for our ala carte file folder games from Home School in the Woods! I picked games that I was pretty sure my boys would enjoy--Trip to Town and Name that State! Both will be a great addition to our social studies curriculum! This review will go LIVE the week of March 19, 2018

Some additional reviews being completed by other members on my review crew include: CursiveLogic, Parenting Made Practical, and NatureGlo's eScience.

Tis the season when I start getting pretty busy again! I just filled out the forms for three MORE review products (and I will add them to this list as they are assigned), so it's definitely going to start getting pretty busy around here! But I get awfully excited when the products to review start popping up in my mailbox, on my front porch, or in my email! I always share about them on my Instagram account FIRST, so to stay up to date with what's going on daily, make sure you follow me over there! 

1 comment:

  1. It's so exciting when the new review year kicks into gear! My 5 year old is so excited that so much mail has been for HER already this year!


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