March 29, 2018

May You have a Blessed Passover

I just wanted to wish your family and most blessed Passover and Unleavened Bread Holy week! We are blessed that Christ became our Passover lamb so that we could have a relationship with God and future life with God and Christ in His Kingdom!

My boys are excited for the upcoming week as we enjoy our special Unleavened Bread treats--especially our breakfasts of Dutch Babies, the fantastic oven pancake. I bought 18 boxes of Triscuits this week--hey there were on sale and we adore them! All different flavors too. And I bought me a wedge of my favorite smoked Gouda cheese! Yum!

We look forward to the Spring feasts every year. Such a joy to keep and celebrate our deliverance and freedom from the bondage of sin!

Have a simply wonderful weekend!

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