July 30, 2018

Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 from WriteBonnieRose {Product Review}

WriteBonnieRose~ Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 {Product Review}
There are times when at the early elementary levels, you want a science program that is more of an introduction to a subject over rigorous study. But perhaps you desire something that allows you to fill it with loads of library books, Netflix programs, and other resources. Let me introduce you to WriteBonnieRose and her Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Cursive), where your children can explore life science, physical science, and earth science in a gentler more relaxed method.

About the Learning About Science Collection

The Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 from WriteBonnieRose contains seven books of science study. Included in the collection are:

July 27, 2018

Smart Kidz Radio~ Enjoyable Family-Friendly Entertainment {Product Review}

Smart Kidz Radio-Product Review
Do you ever get disheartened with the music that is geared for kids these days? It can be very hard to find something for your children to listen to that is actually age appropriate, positive, full of strong morals, and encouraging…especially something available in a streaming style with a Christian based message. Enter my review of Smart Kidz Radio from Smart Kidz Media.

About Smart Kidz Radio

Smart Kidz Radio is the newest venture by Smart Kidz Media to offer family friendly and enjoyable entertainment to even the youngest of listeners. Smart Kidz Radio was designed to help children learn valuable life skills and empower them with positive self-esteem, something seriously lacking in modern entertainment. The station also seeks to promote strong moral values and encouraging positive character traits in the young listeners. It is unusual for internet radio in that it features hundreds of original songs and stories all promoting values!

July 25, 2018

Wordless Wednesday~ Home Ec

I love it when the boys are in charge of breakfast!


July 17, 2018

Upcoming Reviews for July/August 2018: What Are We Working On?

Upcoming Reviews for July and August 2018
Happy July! I cannot believe it is already the middle of July, can you? I was shocked to see the Back-to-School supplies rapidly filling the stores too. I am still in the middle of enjoying my summer vacation and am not even THINKING about going back to school--even if we ARE doing a piddly amount of school for our reviews this summer. Since my last check in, I've added our reviews for The Master and His Apprentice (an art history curriculum), Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Math Refresher for Adults, Hake Grammar & Writing 3, and Unit Studies from Silverdale Press, ARTistic Pursuits, a CSI themed workbook from Critical Thinking Co., and a cursive workbook from Memoria Press. Have you checked those out yet? In house we have an elementary science curriculum, an Old Testament lapbook unit study, an elementary literature unit study, and a streaming kids radio program! Let's take a sneak peak at these four very different review products we are working on!

July 11, 2018

Math Refresher for Adults {Product Review}

Math Refresher for Adults- Product Review
Scenario #1: Child brings home math homework and needs help. You look at it, and for the life of you can't remember the math rules for fractions!

Scenario #2: You are homeschooling your child, but aren't strong in math and worry about being able to teach it and help them with it.

Scenario #3: You are returning to college, and will have to take a math placement test.

In each of these scenarios, it would be awfully nice if there was a way to give yourself a crash course review on the main math concepts! Well fear not! I have been reviewing Math Refresher for Adults from Math Essentials and I can say without hesitation that if you can identify with any of these scenarios, you NEED to read my review of this book!

Wordless Wednesday~Summer Fruit

Just a quick photo to share what I'm most looking forward to on the farm right now!

After FIVE years of waiting, one of our peach trees is finally loaded with fruit! We will be starting picking tomorrow and I expect Friday will be me processing whatever was ready. I adore peaches--and to have them ready for me to just pick right off the tree? Fantastic!

Bible Study Guide for All Ages {Product Review}

Bible Study Guide for All Ages (Product Review)
We are a Bible loving family. I am always on the lookout for ways to bring bible stories to life for my children and I'm rather picky about the type of curriculum I like to use. It is sometimes hard to teach both of my boys at the same time using the same curriculum or program. Enter our review of Bible Study Guide for All Ages. Could our review of the Advanced (5th & 6th grade) and Intermediate (3rd & 4th grade) student guide pages be just what I was looking for?

About Bible Study Guide for All Ages

The Bible Study Guide for All Ages is a bible curriculum that takes the whole family (all ages) through the bible at the same time. Every year, some of the Old Testament and some of the New Testament is studied. Not only will the students learn the big picture of the bible, but they will also be able to memorize key points from the bible stories as well as practice applying the lessons to their own lives. There is different material available for the different age groups. If you are studying as a mixed aged class or as a family, getting the Unit Teacher's Guide would be the best bet. If however, you want to hone in on different age groups, you can check out the student study guide pages for the following ages:

July 4, 2018

Wordless Wednesday~ July 4th

Who cares about the 4th of July when you have dangerous and deadly creatures and plants on your mind?