July 17, 2018

Upcoming Reviews for July/August 2018: What Are We Working On?

Upcoming Reviews for July and August 2018
Happy July! I cannot believe it is already the middle of July, can you? I was shocked to see the Back-to-School supplies rapidly filling the stores too. I am still in the middle of enjoying my summer vacation and am not even THINKING about going back to school--even if we ARE doing a piddly amount of school for our reviews this summer. Since my last check in, I've added our reviews for The Master and His Apprentice (an art history curriculum), Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Math Refresher for Adults, Hake Grammar & Writing 3, and Unit Studies from Silverdale Press, ARTistic Pursuits, a CSI themed workbook from Critical Thinking Co., and a cursive workbook from Memoria Press. Have you checked those out yet? In house we have an elementary science curriculum, an Old Testament lapbook unit study, an elementary literature unit study, and a streaming kids radio program! Let's take a sneak peak at these four very different review products we are working on!


1. Smart Kidz Radio
Smart Kidz Radio is the newest offering from Smart Kids Media. It is a free online radio station, geared towards kids, with a variety of programming options.  As part of the review, I will also have to ability to "purchase" some of the on-demand programs. It will be available for streaming from an app as well as from your computer. The review for this will go LIVE the week of July 25th, 2018.
2. Learning About Science Collection (Write Bonnie Rose)
We are reviewing this very easy to use science curriculum with my youngest son (3rd grade) and it is a great fit for the summer. This new product line contains a series of science topics ranging from animals and ocean zones, to energy and weather! The review for this will go LIVE the week of July 30, 2018.

3. Hands-On History Activity-Paks Old Testament (Home School In the Woods)
I love anything that is Bible related and will help take our bible studies further. I am hoping that putting together the Hands-On History Activity-Paks Old Testament project will be just that! We have used Home School In the Woods products before (Make-A-State Activity Pak Review, Project Passport Ancient Egypt Review, US Elections Lap-Pak Review, Hands On History and Geography Review . There are 15 lapbooking projects included in this Activity-Pak, and I hope we can get through most if not all of them! We love lapbooks and having our summer break makes it easier to get them done! As of right now, we've already completed three of the 15, so it's very likely we will get them all completed! This product review goes LIVE the week of July 31, 2018.


4. Paddington Literature Study (Branch Out World)
We are pulling out our teddy bears, suitcases, and marmalade as we begin this literature unit study on the book Paddington! What's not not love about the story? I can't wait to read it to my soon-to-be eight year old and let him experience Paddington's adorableness for himself. This curriculum review will go LIVE the week of August 13, 2018 .

Other products reviewed by my team members these months include Code for Teens, Progeny Press, Great Waters Press, and Northwest Treasures. You can find the reviews for these companies on the Schoolhouse Review crew blog!

There are several more exciting products coming up that I've applied for--and hope that we get! I begged for one of a science curriculum--so we will see if my begging worked! LOL.  

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