December 31, 2018

Saying goodbye to 2018...and a peek into goals for 2019!

Can you believe that tonight is the end of 2018? This year seems to have just vanished like a cloud of smoke. 2018 had quite a few challenges, but also new opportunities. New decisions made. Changes. And 2019 is set to be full of them as well!

The biggest one is my brother getting married in 2019, which is super exciting. I can't wait to keep getting to know my soon to be sister-in-law!

I'm starting my 5th year of being on the Schoolhouse Review Crew--so there will be quite a lot of exciting product reviews to share.

I'm starting over with my book count--I hit my goal of 100 books with a grand total of 102! I'm going to challenge myself to do 125 next year. (Follow me over on Goodreads!)

I'm going to try to do several larger crochet projects including a cardigan (adult), cardigan (kids), sweater (adult), afghan (gift for my mom), and even a Temperature Blanket to run throughout the year. I also want to try to make some more 12" squares for the blanket I started this past year.

I'm wanting to DESIGN two projects for crochet. I don't know what, but I have things simmering.

I want to try dying my own yarn. I admire all the Indie Dyers out there and want to dabble in it for myself.

I want to try to create some homeschooling printables this year. Especially for literature and bible studies.

I plan on mailing out two snail mail cards a week to friends, family, and/or church brethren.

But most of all, I want 2019 to be a year of being intentional. Where I don't just hope things happen, or talk about things I want to happen--but be INTENTIONAL. I guess that's my word for 2019.

Do you have a word to think about for the upcoming year? Leave me a comment with a goal--or a word that you have to focus on for 2019!

Yes, 2019 is going to be a great year! I'm sure of it. Even if it has trials and tears. 2018 had its share. Yet it still was a great year. So here's to new adventures!


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