January 7, 2019

Welcome 2019!

It's 2019! Can you believe it? I know we all thought it was going to be a year when we lived on the moon and had hovercrafts and robots! It's amazing how far technology has come--and yet how much life in general remains the same. With this new year, I'm sure everyone has plans or goals they want to achieve. I have friends who started Whole 30 and Whole 60 to kickstart their path to better health. Many people I know are taking the Marie Kondo challenge of decluttering and simplifying their home. We kicked off 2019 by doing a smidge of renovation--nothing major, just fresh paint on the walls of several of our rooms, and changing out fixtures. It has given new life to our home of 13 years! Isn't it funny how once you do it, you can hardly remember what it looked like before? I know we are loving the changes we've made.

A personal goal for this year, is to be more intentional ABOUT personal change. I have some habits I need to tweak or get rid of all together. This is why my word for this year is INTENTIONAL. I'm determined to do more follow thru this year to complete things that I start. I am going to be finishing some crochet projects that have been sitting around waiting. I am going to finish some book reviews that I have been needing to do for awhile. I am going to work on organizing and de-cluttering and simplifying our home. I am notorious for also not cleaning up after myself, so I am working on cleaning as I go--this is pretty major. LOL. It's a pet peeve of my husband towards me for sure. LOL.

Most of all, I'm trying to be intentional about my Christian life. One of the things that I struggle with is daily prayer and bible study. With being a homeschool mom, my day is full from the time I wake up, until I go to bed. And I'm ashamed that I at times forget to start my day with prayer and it's so important to my day overall. So I have been working diligently to include prayer in my life every day.

So there are a few things that I'm working on being more intentional about over the course of this year. Do you have things that you are going to be working on this year? Leave me a comment below and share it with me!

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