January 16, 2019

Your Word Have I Hidden In My Heart: Memory Verse Work System with Printable

Memory Verse Work with Free Printable
As I mentioned in my post about our daily homeschool routine, one of the most important changes to our schedule this year, was incorporating a system for memorizing scripture and other Bible related passages. This is a priority in our classroom, and how we start every day. I have looked at many official "programs" for doing it, but I needed something simple that worked with ANY scripture I wanted, as I had personal favorites I wanted to make sure we went over. Thus, my current (successful, I will add) memory verse system was born! Today I'm going to share with you, not just WHAT it looks like over the course of the week, but also a printable that you can use to easily and quickly add it to your own day!

Memory Verse System

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you. ~Psalm 119:11
This year, I really wanted to work on memorizing scripture. I had looked at a bunch of different programs online, but I either didn’t like the style, or I wanted different scriptures. Because of this I have designed my own method. Using a mix of resources, I pull a scripture for them to memorize each week. I have asked people for their favorite scriptures, as well as listed several of my own to pull from. I also have added things like the Fruits of the Spirit, 10 Commandments, God’s Holy Days, Twelve Sons of Jacob, The Twelve Tribes of Israel, The Twelve Apostles, and other things like that which aren’t exactly verses themselves, but are good to know. My boys are currently ages 8 and 13, and what I have created works perfectly for both of them. I know it could easily be adapted to fit ANY age range.

How It Works

On the first day, we begin by writing the passage for memorization on our white board. I read the verse to them and then they say it back to me. If there are ways to break it apart to make it easier to learn, I will note those. Then we will talk about the passage and why it’s important to know. Then I will have them read it back to me.

On the second day, we say it aloud again. I usually review with them what it means or where it’s found. If it is part of a biblical story, or said by a biblical "hero" we may discuss that. We talk about where it is in the bible for contextual reference. Then they write it out themselves and attach it to their cabinets/bulletin boards for reference. They read it aloud again one at a time, trying to close their eyes as they say bits of it.

On the third day, I rewrite it on the board, but leave out important words and replacing them with blanks. Then they take turns adding words to the scripture verse. Sometimes they can add them all, sometimes they need to help each other. We say it again together.

On day four, they get to look at their paper to say it silently, then turn their paper over and say it aloud by memory as much as possible. By this day, they already know probably 90% of what the verse says. Sometimes they already know it all.

On day five, they each take a turn by themselves (removing the other brother from the room as they say it) to tell me the verse by memory. At the most I will give them the first word, if they can’t quite get started. I am happy to say that by day 5, even with this simple routine they have even the most difficult of the scriptures nearly 100% correct!

We finish on Day 6 (Saturday, our Sabbath) by them standing in front of Daddy and saying their verse for him. They always get ample praise and encouragement from him which makes them very pleased. This isn't necessary of course, but they really are quite proud to show that they can do it, and my husband LOVES hearing them.

So what do I do once a verse has been learned?
We definitely review them!

Every Monday, they have to say the previous week’s verse before learning their new one. I also write each verse on a pink 3 x 5 card—the scripture notation on the front, and the first word or first two words on the back. Throughout the week each boy randomly selects a card from the stack and they have to tell me the verse trying to identify it by only the passage. If they cannot, they can turn it over to see the first word (or a hint). If they say it successfully, I put a checkmark on the card by their initial. If they don’t say it successfully, it gets pinned to the bulletin board and they have to say it to me throughout the day, until they can say it quickly without any prompting. We’ve only had to do this maybe twice, because they can quickly work through the last bits they have forgotten.

Thus far we have learned 10 memory verses (some of them very long), the Fruit of the Spirit, the Books of the New Testament, The Twelve Apostles, the 10 Commandments (a review), and currently reviewing the 10 Plagues of Egypt. We are thrilled with their progress and we LOVE seeing their eyes light up during church when a speaker says “turn with me to…” and it’s one of their memory passages.

Children have excellent memory skills and incorporating memorization passages into their day would be well worth their while. If you would rather not use scriptures, find inspirational quotes and have them work on those! You can easily add them in using this simple routine.

I have included a link to my printable in order for you to have something to go by as you get started on this idea.

Memory Work Printable includes:
*5 Day Schedule for Memorization
*Sheet with Memorization work ideas, plus blank lines for personalization
*Memorization Record to note the passages learned

I really hope that my work will help you have an easier time adding memory work to your own classroom. Hopefully I can take the guess work out and allow you to add something very useful to your daily studies! I'm excited about all the passages that my boys are "hiding in their heart", and I look forward to looking back on this year and all of our memory work success!


  1. that is an excellent system Lisa. Thanks for sharing it with me. Pinning it! :)

  2. I really like your system. We have used a system like this in years past and it is highly effective. Glad to hear that your boys are doing well with it.

  3. What a great resource! Pinned and shared. :-)

  4. I absolutely LOVE this!! I’ve always wanted to include verse memorization Into our day I love how you give a step by step of what this looks like in your home ❤️

  5. Looks like a wonderful system. We need to spend more time working on scripture memorization.

  6. I like your system. Thanks for making the printables.


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