January 14, 2019

Our Homeschool Daily Routine and Curriculum

Can you believe that we are now in the SECOND week of the new year? What I also cannot believe is that I’m already thinking about what materials we are going to be using for NEXT school year! I mean, we aren’t even half way yet really…but if you are a homeschooler like me, you know you are already evaluating what you are doing now and thinking about what to do next year. Today I thought I’d share what we are actually using successfully this year. In other words, what does our daily routine look like with the subjects and materials we have? Over the course of this week (and perhaps even into next week), I will be talking about the different things we are doing in our day.

To start with, here is an example of our daily routine. The things that we do every day are completed before lunch, while the things that vary by day are done after lunch.

9:30-12:30 (Before Lunch)
Memory Verse
Bible Study Curriculum

1:30-3:45 (After Lunch)
History (M, W, TH)
Geography (T)
Writing (T, W, TH, FR)
Science (M, W, F)

We start our days the same way every day. I find that this provides routine and consistency as we get started. This year, one of the things I wanted to really put an emphasis was on Bible study. I really wanted this to be a year when we learned MUCH more about God’s word and applied it more in our lives. Because of this, no matter what time we start school, or how long our school day is going to be, we ALWAYS start with our Bible portions.

In my next post, I will be talking about what we do for our Memory Verse work and what we are using for our Bible Study Curriculum this year. I will even have a FREE PRINTABLE available for you! (woohoo!)

I hope to see you next time, as I continue to talk about our daily homeschool routine and curriculum!

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