June 27, 2019

Summer Break is Hay Season

Woot! It is hard to believe but we are in 100% summer mode now! Unlike some homeschoolers, summer doesn't necessarily mean freedom--we ARE a farm family. Summer means an increase of farm work! Remember when you learned that the old school years revolved around the agricultural cycle for the area? Yeah, that's basically us! We take a break from school when the hay season starts and then go back to school once the last cutting is in.

Everything we do here on the farm revolves around hay season during the summer. We have over 200 acres of hay to take care of. This means as soon as it is ready and there are several days in a row of rain-free days? We rev the tractors up and head on out!

So how does it work with still doing product reviews? That's easy. If we still have reviews to finish, we do them in the morning directly after breakfast. That's the best time as the men are still working out the plans for the day. By this point into our fifth year of being on the review crew, I know how much to ask for. This summer is working out to be perfect--only a couple things to review for each boy. Way less pressure to get stuff done, and more time to be out and farming!

I'll be sharing what we are reviewing for July and August in a few days...it's not much, but it is VERY good stuff! Until then--stay cool!

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