June 20, 2019

Summer Storms and pop up...tornadoes?

We had a surprise tornado on the evening of June 16th. My family was in Cincinnati celebrating my brother's marriage...meanwhile, it was a turbulent sunset on the farm. Fortunately, we didn't experience more than a few tree tops snapped. But all around us, there were power poles down. Telephone wires across the road. The hillside looked like a weedeater had plowed a straight line. We spent some time doing cleanup at my inlaws and my parents' homes where they had much more tree debris than we did.

Puppy helped grabbed branches
I had to crawl in the culvert to clear out a bunch of debris...
the next day this was filled to the brim due to another storm
Youngest was great about dragging branches
Cleaning off her fence
Some tree branches--gone at My father-in-laws 
More branches down and a yard pond
Wenching out the limb from the culvert
Using the SawsAll to chop up the larger treetops
Hauling away one of the branches
Thankfully, our power was out for only 12 hrs. We didn't sustain any damage as the tornado went through town instead of veering off, however, there is a LOT of tree damage. Fortunately, only two homes experienced serious damage. They categorized it as an EF0, simply because it kept bouncing around and not staying steady on the ground. But man, chippers and chainsaws have been the sounds during the day, and the scent of "campfire" during the evening as people burn their debris. 

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