October 30, 2019

Adventures in Crochet ~ Temperature Blanket Update

I just wanted to give you a glimpse into the status of my year-long crochet project--my Temperature Blanket CAL (crochet-a-long) for 2019! If you remember, this is a project where there are twelve different patterns--one for each month of the year. Each pattern makes a stripe about 6" thick. You simply use the average hi and average lo and match those to a predetermined color graph to find your colors. Then the pattern will say "use your hi-color" or "use your low color" and you swap them back and forth. 
By doing this, even if your temperatures work out to be in the same range for the low and hi colors your texture and pattern will be different for each month. 
I love the textures of the blanket. I have a couple back to back months where the same colors were used, but they look different because of the pattern textures. 
You can see that the designs of each month are very different! Thus far, January and February used the same hi/lo colors and May/June used the same hi/lo colors, yet their patterns are very different! Here is a closer look at some of the texture...

I'm now working on the September stripe and hope to get it done fairly quickly so I can start working on the October stripe as soon as it is released! I love that it now can keep me warm as I work on it!

Does this look like something you'd be interested in? Then you need to hop over to Teagan and Lu and learn more!


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