November 5, 2019

Change is In the Air...

It is so hard to believe that it has officially turned into November for 2019. I cannot believe that the year 2020 is actually on the horizon! November signals the end of all our busy summer activities here on the farm as we shift to preparing for Winter, including separating out the calves. It never really and truly slows down--activities simply change.

But for me, I've made a decision that will help me slow down a little. 
I've decided to step down from my position on the Homeschool Review Crew. It's hard to believe that I have had more years of my homeschooling time WITH the crew than without. I've been on the team and shuffling products in and out since my oldest was in second grade. Now he's in 8th grade. And the time has come for us to take a break. We need to start preparing for high school next year, and that means we need to have some stability in the lessons we do.

I also needed to shift my time on the computer to other a new opportunity I have to work with an education team to start creating children's bible study material for the families in our church, an international organization. I also took on the job as teacher of three classes in our local homeschool co-op (7th grade+ literature, music appreciation, and art), which requires planning time. 

So I just need a break.

I will continue to try to share reviews from my fellow team members still reviewing for Homeschool Review Crew, and I look forward to checking out their future reviews!

But I'm looking forward to a break. 

My final review will be my review of the amazing LItWits program in a couple weeks. And then I think I will do a series sharing our family's favorite reviews for different subjects over the years. That will be a fun one to look back on. 

As for the blog---I'm hoping to FINALLY get back to sharing my recipes and life on the farm. I also want to share some crochet pattern ideas I have in my head. And maybe FINALLY get around to uploading the printables I've created. 

So there you have it. That's my update!

I hope you have a marvelous week! It's soooo fallish here--yet a little birdie said that it may get cold enough on Thursday to snow! Oy!

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