June 4, 2013

Introducting...Real Life Homeschooling Blog Hop!

I am so excited to introduce the newest homeschooling blog hop on the block!


Real Life Homeschooling is a monthly blog hop that will show the world that homeschooling is so much more than sitting at a desk doing math worksheets.

On the second Tuesday of each month over twenty homeschool bloggers will be joining me in co-hosting the Real Life Homeschooling blog hop. Each blogger will share a post of their own and then give you the opportunity to link up your own posts. Feel free to share any posts that show how homeschooling happens in real life just as well as during "school hours". Possible ideas include: field trips, special projects, community service, what your child learned in the grocery store/barn yard/park/etc., family trips, church events, the possibilities are endless. Real life homeschooling is about turning the world into our classroom. As a homeschooling parent, we know our children are always learning, right?! That is what this blog hop is about.

The Real Life Homeschooling Blog Hop co-hosts are:

Tabitha from Meet Penny
Aurie from Our Good Life
Leann from Montessori Tidbits
Erin from Royal Baloo
Megan from Homeschooling etc.
Stephanie from Bowmania
Karyn from Teach Beside Me
Andrea from No Doubt Learning
Stacey from Layered Soul
Lisa (ME!) from Farm Fresh Adventures
Rachel from Rooms of Knowledge

Take a few minutes and check out the awesome blogs listed here. You're in for a blessing and don't forget to check back on the second Tuesday of each month {beginning next Tuesday, June 11th} to link up your own Real Life Homeschooling posts!


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