November 16, 2015

2015 Schoolhouse Review Crew Blue Ribbon Awards ~ Who Won?

It is hard to believe that I have finished my final review for the 2015 Schoolhouse Review Crew! All in all, I shared THIRTY-SIX product or curriculum reviews this year as part of the team! It was a great experience and our family found many favorites (and some we didn't like) in the products. As is the annual tradition, the entire review crew of over 100 bloggers and their families, voted in 34 different categories to name what their favorite products were in order to award the winning companies a much coveted Blue Ribbon Award. Who won? Did any of my favorite's win? Here is the complete list for you to check out--and I've made side notes regarding the ones that I voted for!

Let's kick it off with LANGUAGE ARTS! 

Most of the ones I voted for won in each category, which tells you how we all thought the products were! If I used it, I linked you to MY review so you can get more information!

Favorite Reading Curriculum: Reading Kingdom

Favorite Writing Curriculum: Institute for Excellence in Writing
**Yep. No brainer here. This writing curriculum was incredible and we absolutely loved using it and continue to use it in our classroom.

Favorite Vocabulary Program: Dynamic Literacy
**Ding ding ding! Another one that I voted for and one we continue to use!

**See? I told you it was a great program...and most of the crew agreed with me!

**This one was a no brainer for everyone. It is just a fabulous program--and this is the second year in a row it won in this category! One of the few products that I actually bought more of after we finished our review product. You can read my more detailed Fix-It! Grammar review from 2014 too.

Favorite Penmanship Program: CursiveLogic
**This was exciting as this is a very new company--so to win the first year is a great accolade! We enjoyed using it.

Favorite Literature Curriculum: Progeny Press
**While I didn't love love this program, I definitely felt it was very well done. I personally voted for YWAM Publishing in this category, because I felt is was even better than Progeny Press for our family.

What about the favorites for HISTORY, SCIENCE, AND MATH? 

We reviewed quite a bit in these categories...who won?

Favorite History Curriculum: Home School in the Woods
**We didn't use the winning curriculum, but I voted for YWAM Publishing again in this category, as I felt the depth of history it provided was phenomenal!

**Yep--We used this one! It was so hard to vote because both of the Heirloom Audio Productions audiodramas were up for nomination! I personally picked With Lee In Virginia as my choice, but only because I couldn't pick them both--and because Little Britches helped me with that one.

Favorite Science Curriculum: Visual Learning Systems
**Woot! This was the one I voted for because it was MY favorite of all we used this year. We are still using this one in our school year.

Favorite Science Supplement: Ann McCallum Books: Eat Your Science Homework

Favorite Math Curriculum: CTC Math
**We did not use CTC Math this year...but we reviewed it last year and we LOVED IT! It was another product that I actually purchased after our review subscription was over. We are using it as our math core. This is the second year in a row that CTC Math claimed this award for this category!

Favorite Math Supplement: SimplyFun

What about the extras? The products for BIBLE, FINE ARTS, and FOREIGN LANGUAGE?

Favorite Christian Education Curriculum: Grapevine Studies
**Ding ding ding! Here was another one that I voted for and we are continuing to use!

Favorite Christian Education Supplement: Brinkman Adventures

Favorite Foreign Language Curriculum: Middlebury Interactive Language
**We did not use this program this year, but we had experience with it last year

Favorite Fine Arts ProductMaestro Classics
**I voted for ARTistic Pursuits because I just love their art books...but Maestro Classics is a definitely close second!

Favorite Elective Curriculum: Apologia Educational Ministries: Field Trip Journal

Favorite Audio Drama: Brinkman Adventures

Favorite Video:
**Absolutely! No contest here...they were fantastic! We reviewed Metamorphosis/Flight and Living Waters and loved them all!

The winners of the generic GRADE LEVEL products:

Favorite Preschool Product: La La Logic
**Totally deserving of this! My youngest adores being able to do La La Logic and I love having a critical thinking program for his age level for him to work on!

Favorite Elementary Product: Star Toaster
**While not the one I voted for (I can't remember what I DID vote for. LOL) this was a program that a lot of the crew's children enjoyed!

Favorite Middle School Product: The Critical Thinking Co
**Not a surprise. I love our The Critical Thinking Co. product!

Favorite High School Product: Writing with Sharon Watson

Favorite College or College-Prep Product: Freedom Project Education

Favorite Parent Product: Koru Naturals
**Totally deserving! I reviewed their products twice: A shampoo/conditioner set, and a skin care cream, cleanser and toner set!

**Totally!!! I love love love love this product!

These are the ABSOLUTE BEST OF EVERYTHING winners! 

They were so hard to vote on! I changed my mind several times!

Best Resource I Didn't Know I Needed: Homeschool Planet
**I picked something else--I think I picked The Critical Thinking Co. because I was just blown away by how great this product was and how it helped us.

Best Online Resource: Super Teacher Worksheets
**I think I picked this one as well. I just know that it was fabulous and I loved it.

Best e-Product: Home School in the Woods
**I think I picked Grapevine Studies for this one. It was one of the main ones that we continued to do in our curriculum of all the e-Products we reviewed.

Just for Fun: USAopoly
**The boys sure loved these games!

Kids' Choice: La La Logic
**I let Little Britches vote for this one...He picked Standard Deviants Accelerate as his personal favorite.

Teens' Choice: YWAM Publishing

All Around Crew Favorite: Institute for Excellence in Writing
**This was the most difficult to vote on. I had to pick from ALL the companies for the whole year!! So I just tried to think which company scored more of my votes than any other, as well as what company had the biggest impact on our curriculum for the year. Institute for Excellence in Writing was my pick hands down. They revolutionized our Language Arts in Spelling, Writing AND Grammar!


So there you have it! Have you experienced all the winners in your home yet? Do you see any new companies that you need to check out? It's always fun to explore these lists because they are being voted on by over 100 different families!

Later this week, I'm going to do a post where I share my top 10 most favorite products I reviewed this year as part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew--It will be fun to check them out again!

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