His first tooth is SOOO close! You can see it under the gum and he's a drooling machine! Seth's first tooth came in a day after he turned 4 months and then 2 days later got tooth #2, so Justin is later than Seth already, but can you even imagine how cute my little Chubbycakes is going to be once it shows up??
We had to pack away all his clothing that was under 6 months. He's actually a mix of 6-12 months with his bullfrog belly! His legs finally caught up and he wears the same size in pants as in onesies. His little feet are just as thick as they are wide, so he has to wear size 2 or 3 in shoes just to get them on his foot! So cute!
We made the transition tonight of moving him into his crib in the office. He's been in his cradle since we brought him home...but he's getting more restless in it...I'm guessing because he's always crammed against the rails unless we keep it from rocking. I will miss his little noises though...like his random farts in the middle of the night. :) (giggle) but mostly his early morning coos and chatter. It amazes me that Seth was in his own room and crib by the time he was 8 weeks old! I'm all paranoid I'll sleep through Justin's fusses...but know that's not true as I have the mommy intuition of when my babies need me. We don't have a baby monitor because the boys rooms are just across the living room...and leaving the doors open allows me to hear them.
Seth was really sweet. He told me that, "if Bubby wakes up, I'll go in and tell him it'll be okay." Awh...he's so precious and loves his brother so much!
Justin is loving his walker. He's *bored* with his bouncer because he wants to be up and standing and he's already figured out how to push himself backwards in it! He *plays* with his little trucks, ring links and rattles having a great time.
He's known how to roll over for awhile, but he's this close to rolling from back to front. He gets up on his side and with one leg kick could go over...but he hasn't figure it out yet. He will soon.
And last nigth we thought he was going to army crawl to me! He got his knee up where it needed to be and his arms ready and then pushed...but with his arms instead of his legs and went backwards! LOL! His belly sort of gets in the way right now...but it won't be long.
As for talking, he's starting to say "muh" so I knows he's SUPER close to saying "Muhmuhmuhmuhmuh" which will be music to my ears!
Okay, so that about wraps it up! He is a healthy little bugger and such a joy...my heart just overflows with love for my boys!