Here is a look at a few pictures from our Feast of Tabernacles trip including moments of *beach* school!
Written Work:
We walked on the beach and asked him to give us groupings every time we reached some shells--(big-bigger-biggest; small-smaller-smallest; ect...)
So many places for this at the beach but here are a few that we focused on...
The dolphins we saw just off our shore--we discussed why they come in so close and counted them every day.
This little fella. He fell out of the conch shell that my dad (aka. papa) picked up. We discussed why he had a "curly bottom" and how it helps him fit in the spiral center of the shell. Then we counted his legs.
The most amazing lesson we had was learning about the Skate Egg Case aka. The Mermaid's Purse. We saw thousands of these along the shore and at first we though they were a plant. So I researched it online and what we learned about something seemingly so simple just boggled our minds--making us glorify the Almighty and Powerful Creator and original Engineer. I will try to find my picture of it for you...but you can read all about it for yourself HERE. If Little Britches had been a bit older, it would have been the perfect research project!
We toured the Adam Thoroughgood Estate...
Very interesting and great for showing Little Britches about dailylife during the colonies!
We were able to go inside this house and it was furnished appropriately with historic furniture and other various items. And we also learned about the brick laying and I was able to incorporate our studies on patterns!
Fine Arts:
Masterpieces from the Creator Himself
And Little Britches participated with the Festival Children's handsome in his suit!

And let's not forget about Baby Britches--we kept him nearby at the Auditorium with the best-est invention ever...
And we took a lovely photo on the Last Great Day before we headed home...
We had such a wonderful and inspirational Feast of Tabernacles this year...and it was great to get to incorporate the things we experienced with Little Britches schooling!