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January 29, 2017
Fresh from the Bookshelf: Delilah: Treacherous Beauty by Angela Hunt {Book Review}
There are some book covers that just grab you. The ones that you reach for and then look at, LONG before you ever read a summary. I recently picked up such a book--the cover grabbed my attention, and after seeing the author (one of my favorites), I didn't need to know anything more to desire to read it. I looked forward to reviewing Delilah: Treacherous Beauty by Angela Hunt and hoped that it would be as good as it looked!
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The links on this blog and in the posts may be affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for full details and thank you for your support!
Most of us think of one woman, and one woman only when we hear the name Delilah--the infamous woman who brought the great Bible hero Samson down. But what is her story? What led her to that fateful relationship
January 25, 2017
Even the Wine Spit at Me (aka. My Jonah Day)
It really began the night before with a restless, wakeful vigil of grumbling toothache. When Anne arose in the dull, bitter winter morning she felt that life was flat, stale, and unprofitable......."Oh, this has been such a Jonah day, Marilla..."~ Anne of Avonlea, Chapter 12Have you ever had a Jonah day?
You know. The days when it seems like EVERYTHING in the world is against you. When it seems like NOTHING you do is right. The kind where you just want to go crawl back in bed and pull your covers over your head.
Yeah me neither.
I had one of those this past Friday. Unlike Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables, my day didn't start as a Jonah day. It sort of...stumbled into one as the day went on. School went well. But as soon as it was over. Oh my.
January 20, 2017
Refine Me, Lord...gulp {Five Minute Friday}
Happy Friday! Can you believe it is already the 20th of January? I'm sure many of you are staying up to date on the events occurring in Washington DC today. It is hard to believe we will be swearing in a new president today. New changes on the horizon, and like always, we have no idea how things will play out. The one thing that I take comfort in, is that my Father is in control. He puts people into power, and He removes people from power as He wills it. He is an active God. And He is definitely active in my own life. And that leads me to today's Five Minute Friday word...refine.
When I think of refining, I think of a process of removing flaws and impurities. My dad worked in steel and so he knew a lot about what goes into the refining process. No impurities could be in the steel he was using or the pipe fittings they created would be jeopardized. Refining is a long process. And it involves HOOOOOOOTTTTT conditions for it to work. And then there can be beating of metal. And plunging into icy water. And then it can repeat and repeat.
God talks about how He is working to refine us the way that one would refine gold and silver. Research that process. Watch it. Now think of God doing that to YOU. Holding you in a fire until JUST the last moment when you will be compromised and useless to Him, and then removing you from it. If it isn't to His satisfaction--back into the fire you go. It is said that a refiner knows that the work is done when he/she can see their face in the object they are refining. Thus it stands to reason, when God can see attributes of Himself in us, He knows He can remove us from the fire.
Thus, my heart must ask Him to refine me.
Refine me, Father.
Make me shine so You can see Your face in me.
Even though that means I must go through a hot fire.
Even though that means I might have to go to the very limit of what I can stand without breaking.
All the same...
Refine me, Lord (gulp)
I hope your family has a simply marvelous weekend! Need a dinner idea? Make sure you check out my latest recipe--Chicken and Biscuit One Skillet Pie...It's like Chicken Pot Pie, but healthier and easier!
When I think of refining, I think of a process of removing flaws and impurities. My dad worked in steel and so he knew a lot about what goes into the refining process. No impurities could be in the steel he was using or the pipe fittings they created would be jeopardized. Refining is a long process. And it involves HOOOOOOOTTTTT conditions for it to work. And then there can be beating of metal. And plunging into icy water. And then it can repeat and repeat.
I will bring the one-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people'; And each one will say, ‘The LORD is my God.' ” ~Zechariah 13.9
God talks about how He is working to refine us the way that one would refine gold and silver. Research that process. Watch it. Now think of God doing that to YOU. Holding you in a fire until JUST the last moment when you will be compromised and useless to Him, and then removing you from it. If it isn't to His satisfaction--back into the fire you go. It is said that a refiner knows that the work is done when he/she can see their face in the object they are refining. Thus it stands to reason, when God can see attributes of Himself in us, He knows He can remove us from the fire.
Thus, my heart must ask Him to refine me.
Refine me, Father.
Make me shine so You can see Your face in me.
Even though that means I must go through a hot fire.
Even though that means I might have to go to the very limit of what I can stand without breaking.
All the same...
Refine me, Lord (gulp)
I hope your family has a simply marvelous weekend! Need a dinner idea? Make sure you check out my latest recipe--Chicken and Biscuit One Skillet Pie...It's like Chicken Pot Pie, but healthier and easier!
Chicken and Biscuit One Skillet Pie Recipe {Fresh from the Kitchen}

I am so happy to say that I FINALLY (I'm sorry!!!) have a NEW RECIPE for you! I tried a recipe I found, but right away changed it up to fit our family taste. Lucky for YOU, I remembered to take photos of this delicious meal, and noted all my changes! So without further ado, here is a dish your family is going to ADORE--trust me. And if you like Chicken Pot Pie---but don't like the mess of a pastry crust, this recipe is definitely for you! Did I mention it's got some better ingredients too?? That makes it much lower in calorie count--another win!
January 15, 2017
Fresh From the Bookshelf: The Silent Songbird by Melanie Dickerson {Book Review}

January 13, 2017
Meet in the Middle {Five Minute Friday}
Hello and happy Sunday! I hope that your weekend has been going along just wonderfully. Were you in the path of the supposed major winter storm Jupiter ice storm? We were at the edge--but it ended up completely fizziling out and doing nothing but dump rain. I am so happy they were wrong with THAT forecast! Here is my Five Minute Friday post. It took me a bit to be inspired, but I think I have something to share about this week's word...middle
What do you think of when you hear the word middle? I would venture to say most of us simply think of being in the middle of a creek. Or reaching for something in the middle. Or maybe you are the middle child? It's the one that isn't first, nor last. Somewhere in between.
When I think of middle, an older country song pops into my's from the band Diamond Rio, an old favorite band of my parents when I was younger. Here is how the chorus goes:
You know. With the chaos that is around us these days, it sure would be nice if more people in the world practiced this philosophy. Wouldn't we be able to accomplish so much more in this country if each "side" started walking towards each other? If they both gave a little? Why do we think it is so wrong to meet in the middle on things? That's how you make things work! That's how you make relationships work! So why can't we apply that philosophy across the board? Are we so incredibly stubborn that we would rather watch our country fail, than work out a compromise where EACH is willing to GIVE UP SOMETHING for the better of the whole?
If you have children, isn't that what we teach them when they are young? In essence, it's the idea of sharing. So why can't we continue to practice this when we are "old"?
I hope you have a simply wonderful week! And remember--if you are a homeschooler and haven't read my post about SchoolhouseTeacher website and their INCREDIBLE deal, you need to do it TODAY. Because there is a coupon included that will give you a 50% off price--and TODAY is the last day to use it before they raise their prices tomorrow (1/16/2017)!
What do you think of when you hear the word middle? I would venture to say most of us simply think of being in the middle of a creek. Or reaching for something in the middle. Or maybe you are the middle child? It's the one that isn't first, nor last. Somewhere in between.
When I think of middle, an older country song pops into my's from the band Diamond Rio, an old favorite band of my parents when I was younger. Here is how the chorus goes:
I start walking your way, You start walking mine. We meet in the middle 'neath that old Georgia pine.We gain a lot of ground, 'cause we both give a little. And there ain't no road too long, When you meet in the middle.("Meet in the MIddle", Diamond Rio)
You know. With the chaos that is around us these days, it sure would be nice if more people in the world practiced this philosophy. Wouldn't we be able to accomplish so much more in this country if each "side" started walking towards each other? If they both gave a little? Why do we think it is so wrong to meet in the middle on things? That's how you make things work! That's how you make relationships work! So why can't we apply that philosophy across the board? Are we so incredibly stubborn that we would rather watch our country fail, than work out a compromise where EACH is willing to GIVE UP SOMETHING for the better of the whole?
If you have children, isn't that what we teach them when they are young? In essence, it's the idea of sharing. So why can't we continue to practice this when we are "old"?
I hope you have a simply wonderful week! And remember--if you are a homeschooler and haven't read my post about SchoolhouseTeacher website and their INCREDIBLE deal, you need to do it TODAY. Because there is a coupon included that will give you a 50% off price--and TODAY is the last day to use it before they raise their prices tomorrow (1/16/2017)!
January 12, 2017
Fresh from the Bookshelf: The Mark of the King by Jocelyn Green {Book Review}

January 11, 2017
Fresh from the Bookshelf: My New Release Book List for 2017
Books. They are my friends. I (like you) have those authors that I consider "friends" because they write such heartwarming stories to give me warm fuzzies, or take me on adventures, or through an emotional whirlwind. There were some INCREDIBLE books released in 2016, and I'm still trying to hurry myself through finishing the reviews for them. But you know what? That doesn't stop me from looking eagerly ahead to what 2017 is going to bring! So here is what is on my New Book List for 2017!
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There are SOOO many books I could add to this list, but I had to limit it, so I am focused on the genres that I am most interested in and then the books that are in my radar--most are being released in the first half of the year, so I might need to do another post like this, once the release dates for the second half of the year are released!
January 10, 2017 A Homeschooling Treasure {Favorite Product Review Revisited}
There is a special treasure among homeschooling resources. It's a HUGE resource, and yet few homeschooling families are familiar with it. Full curriculum. 300+ courses. Video classes. Basic and elective subjects--even foreign languages. Pre-school through High School. Lessons Plans. Transcript help. Record keeping. Everything a homeschooling family could ask for! What is this treasure? The yearly membership to!
I initially learned about back in 2014, when I was accepted to the Homeschool Review crew for the first time. I was BLOWN AWAY at all the courses they offered. And created by certified teachers too! What a money saver this was to have so many options. You can read about the courses I used right away in my first ever Homeschool Review Crew product review.
Since then, I have enjoyed visiting the website whenever I am in need of a new course or activity to add. But you know what? Sometimes I forget about the website. And then I am wandering through a whole host of other companies trying to find material--meanwhile, the curriculum I need is sitting nicely over at SchoolhouseTeachers just waiting for me to remember it's there!
January 9, 2017
Fresh from the Bookshelf: The Wedding Shop and A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauck {Book Review}

January 6, 2017
Check Your Connection {Five Minute Friday}
Hello and Happy Friday!
I started participating in the Five Minute Friday link up towards the very end of the year last year, and I am excited to spend an ENTIRE year linking up for 2017. Hopefully I will have 51 blog posts all inspired by 51 different words by the end of 2017! So let's get started as I join Five Minute Friday with this week's word...Connect.
I started participating in the Five Minute Friday link up towards the very end of the year last year, and I am excited to spend an ENTIRE year linking up for 2017. Hopefully I will have 51 blog posts all inspired by 51 different words by the end of 2017! So let's get started as I join Five Minute Friday with this week's word...Connect.
Connect makes me think of connection.
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It actually brings to mind a scene from last night's episode of The Crown. In the episode, it featured an old fashioned calling center with all the call girls hooking up the cables into the correct slots to allow two people--Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth--talk to each other. If they didn't have a good connection, they would not have been able to hear each other. The call girls might have put the cable into the wrong spot. Or the wire might have been loose. So it was very important that they make a good connection.
How is your connection with God? Are you plugging in daily? Are you on a secure one-on-one line? As part of our journey on this earth, we are to be strengthening that connection. Making a relationship through our connection. The best connection we could ever possibly make, is one with God the Father.
Our minister gave us a GREAT "connection assistance" document this past week, in a Spiritual Growth Training Workbook.
With it's 52 weeks of assignments--and daily spiritual writings, it is definitely a "manual" for making my connection the best it can be!
So why not start the year by checking YOUR connection with your heavenly Father?
I hope you have a simply marvelous weekend!
January 4, 2017
Zonderkidz: The Beginner's Bible, new edition {Product Review}
Product Information
Our Thoughts on This Product
Classic Edition |
New Edition |
You would also find some of the text reads different. Here are some pictures of photos of the same story in each edition. You can really see how the illustrations have been changed to the brighter 3D version.
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