We wrapped up our Ll Leaf unit yesterday, so here are some of the highlights from our studies. First off, I think that Little Britches enjoyed this unit the most thus far. The main reason was because we spent a lot of time outside! We are very fortunate to live in the country where leaves are in ABUNDANCE! Here is a look at what we see from our front porch...
Towards the creek and field...
Looking out front towards the road...
Trees everywhere!
Here are some highlights from our Leaf study...
The First day was all about hunting for different types of leaves. We had experienced continuous days of rain, so as soon as I saw that it was clear, we put on rainboots and raincoats and went out to gather some rather wet leaves. We did our property and then walked over to the in-laws and found more leaves there. We made it home RIGHT before the skies opened up!
*Grabbing some evergreen leaves
Checking out all the leaves we collected and drying them off...
We really had quite the variety thanks to the abundance of trees and bushes!
Little Britches' Favorite Leaf--a big maple!
And our few pieces from the evergreens...
Day #2 We painted outlines of some of our leaves
But the favorite activity was making the rubbings...we did that on day #3 and I had to help with some--
especially the big maple which was larger than our piece of paper!
We had some great rubbing of a hickory tree and chestnut tree...
We learned about leaves and the librarian gave me a FABULOUS book that wasn't on the book list, but was sooooooo perfect and clear for learning about leaves! Little Britches picked up on the information quickly with the very basic pen and ink drawings and simple explanations.
This book gave very clear explanations about the jobs of the leaves, what the veins were for and a clear explanation about the difference between a single leaf and a compound leaf with pictures.
Little Britches can tell the difference very easily now. I quiz him on it anytime we go for a walk and find a tree. If you can, I totally recommend adding "A First Look at Leaves" by Millicent E. Selsam and Joyce Hunt (ISBN: 0-8027-6117-8) to your resource list!
Little Britches enjoyed plucking his leaf and then checking it...a great way to tie in all 3 "words to remember" that we've learned thus far.
We read two the recommended books on Day 6 --including Caps for Sale. Little Britches liked the monkeys and we used the book to count various things. Then to show him why the man had to walk so slow to keep his hats from falling, we used some stacking cups and tried to balance them...
He couldn't hold them upright for longer than 5 seconds without them tipping over--or Baby Britches knocking them down! He was saying "HURRY HURRY!" as I snapped the picture--and they tumbled down immediately after! Baby Britches LOVED that part and would laugh and laugh.
Our scripture for this week started with "L" and was Matthew 5:16. Here is the simple order puzzle I made for this scripture. Feel free to download and use it for yourself!
Our Five in a Row book for the week ALSO started with L (yes I planned that!)--but we are still finishing it up. I still have to post our Madeline row...I'm a bit behind in that! LOL!
So there are our highlights from the past week--now moving on to Aa- Apple!